Sitting in a small boat, surrounded by jungle and wildlife, we travelled for 2 hours upstream to a village that was only accessible by water. The man in front of me was smoking with one hand and shaving with an open razor with the other as the little speedboat bounced up and down. I had to pinch myself. How did someone like me end up here? What was I thinking?

Everyone who dares to consider mission has questions and doubts.

Missions can be an exciting adventure, a daunting task and an emotional journey at the same time. Everyone who dares to consider cross-cultural ministry has questions and doubts. If you have an interest in mission but there are lots of things you aren’t sure about, then this is the place for you.

My missionary journey has been full of unexpected turns, mistakes, pain and mind-blowing moments when God has used me. I wish it were all mind-blowing,but it is often through challenges that God does his greatest work. Jesus is our best example of that.

How to use this website

There are 2 ways you can use this website. If you are a person who likes to do things thoroughly and in an orderly manner, start at the beginning and work through the questions in each section in order. It will take you on a journey with one section building on previous ones.

If working through things in order drives you crazy and you just want answers to particular questions, then feel free to skip around to the topics you are most interested in. Don’t be surprised if one chapter recommends checking out other chapters!

Either way, make sure you grab a journal or have somewhere to make notes.This is  designed to help you with decision making as you think and pray about how God might be leading you to get involved in missions. There will be questions to answer and action steps.

You may also find it helpful to work through these topics with a mentor or missions coach. There may be a wise person at your church you talk to. Many mission agencies have people who do mentoring.  They may ask you a question or highlight something that you wouldn’t have seen if you’d thought through the issue on your own.

Whatever decisions and discoveries you make, I hope that you will find your place in building God’s kingdom among the nations. Our God is a creative God who can use all sorts of unexpected things in our lives to bless us and others – and bring glory to Himself.

Many blessings for your mission journey!
