I have a burning desire to do things that I can’t do.
I wish I could sing in tune so that I could lead worship. I wish I had time to connect with my community more. I wish I had time to take up a new hobby. I wish I had more money to commit to good causes. I wish I could serve God in the way that I see another person serves Him.
A lot of things can put limitations on our service for God. Usually, it is easier to accept that we can’t serve Him with the things we aren’t gifted in, and I came to terms with my lack of musical ability a long time ago! What is much harder to do is accept our limitations in the areas where we are gifted but can’t find a way to serve.
Your past
Poor decisions in the past can close doors for us. A criminal conviction or broken marriage might prevent us from participating in particular ministries but may open doors in other places and other ways of working. A damaged relationship with a boss can result in poor references when we look for something new. It can be really hard to put our past behind us, or for others to see a change in us.
Your season of life
Season of life can limit our ability to contribute to ministry. When my kids were young there were a lot of ministries that I had previously been involved in that weren’t practical to do when I needed to care for my children. I had to adapt my ministry to fit in with my free time or to do it with the kids running around my feet. This was the time when I helped more with kids programs and got to know and care for other mums. I wasn’t using my gifts in upfront teaching but I did get to develop my practical, behind the scenes organisational skills while my kids slept. This frustrated me immensely at the time, but on reflection, I’m so glad for the time I had with my kids, the blessings from supporting other mums in need, and the admin skills I learnt. More than anything, learning to submit to God in that season was a painful life lesson that deepened my faith in God. I had to die to any identity I had in my ministry, and learn to be content.
Others’ expectations
The expectations of others can impact where and how we serve. Some Christian communities put limitations on who can contribute to different ministries depending on age, qualifications and gender. It helps to understand why those limitations are there so that you can pray through your response with wisdom.
Are the reasons reasonable? This can be hard to discern on your own but it helps to ask yourself some questions. Are there things that you can work towards that will qualify you to get involved in the future? Is this something that you can submit to and put aside in your life? Are there ways to use the same gifts but in a different space or ministry? Or are these limitations unreasonable enough for you to start looking for a different ministry in another community that is more open?
I have on many occasions, submitted to the limitations placed on me because of my gender and my lack of qualifications. Submission is a great way to learn humility and to be a follower of Christ. On other occasions I’ve also stepped up to do things that were put before me even when some thought I shouldn’t. Not submitting to other people’s expectations took a huge step of faith after lots of prayer, and ultimately only God is my judge in those situations.
Health and family health
Health and family health have been big ones for me. Both my husband and now my son have health needs that are out of our control and require us to limit what we do. We used to live overseas but that is no longer an option. Even moving house is much harder if it means changing all our medical and community support. I love to travel and sometimes need to be away at conferences for my ministry, but I’m very aware that my family sometimes finds that hard, so I try to limit my times away.
Close relationships
As I look at the lifestyle of my friends who are single in ministry, it is easy to get jealous of their ability to do what they want when they want. My time away from work isn’t my own, so I don’t always get refreshed from days off, and holidays aren’t always a break when time is spent meeting the needs of family. This then affects my capacity and the energy I have to give to ministry.
I was feeling sorry for myself and my lack of energy for building God’s kingdom in the way I want to, when I read Mark 12:41-44. In this story, lots of people were in the temple giving offerings to God when Jesus pointed out to his disciples one particular woman who gave just 2 small coins.
They gave out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.
Mark 12:44
What an incredible verse. Jesus knows our limitations, whether they are financial, capacity or time related, and He honours those who give out of their limited capacity. We may not be able to serve overseas as a missionary, or lead worship, or preach. We may be limited in ways we can’t control, but we do need to ask, are we giving what we can give? Because if we are, then He sees it, and it is enough.
Next steps
What are the limiting factors in your life?
Are these things that can be worked around? Things that are for a season? Or things that shut doors and point you in a different direction?
Talk to a mentor or wise believer about your responses to the questions you have just answered. Do they have a different perspective?
Pray about these limiting factors. Is this a time for you to submit and practice humility, or do you need to take a step of faith?