How has God gifted you for mission?
We need people with different spiritual gifts, different work backgrounds and different hobbies, because all of these things can be used by God…
What are the limitations in your life?
A lot of things can put limitations on our service for God. Usually, it is easier to accept that we can’t serve Him with the things we aren’t gifted in…
Learn about the options
It is easy to head towards a particular ministry because of pre-conceived ideas…
Open Access or Creative Access
Open access ministries are those where people can obtain a missionary visa and work full time in evangelism and church planting. Some countries have particular requirements if you want to obtain a missionary visa, so it is well worth talking to a mission agency about what they currently are. Often Read more…
Not everyone should go!
“You know that you won’t be able to return to the field for at least 5 years, don’t you?” The doctor and I looked at each other then at Steve. I knew she was right. We had just been evacuated because my husband had serious complications after suffering from dengue Read more…
So where should I serve?
When someone comes to me with an interest in mission but are unsure where God might be leading them, I normally run through the questions I’ve asked over the last few chapters…